Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Another year

it is amazing how fast the years seem to fly by lately.  One minute I am rejoicing at the spring blooms and the next moment hustling to get the Christmas shopping and baking finished!  The only time that time seems to crawl is if I am sitting in a Drs. Office waiting for an appointment.  Then every minute is 10 minutes long❣😳😁.

This year has been a year of prayer.  So many friends and family have needed prayers for illnesses deaths and emotional needs.  God has been good for the most part and answered those prayers.  I guess all of this is just life such as it is for my age.

It has been a fun year too.  We finished our remodeling of every room in the house.  The we did one of the rooms twice...just because Bill loved remodeling...NOT!  He closed in my back patio and extended my sewing room about 10 feet.  He is an unusual man because he is stubborn!😳 That was a joke people.  99% of the men I know are so stubborn...Andrew only 1% of the women I know are stubborn.  HaHaHa!  Anyway, I have so enjoyed working with 3 friends in the sewing room.  Two were brand new to quilting.  We have made purses, little zipper pouches, wallets, check books, pillow cases and worked on quilts.  It has been fun dragging my friends into this wonderful hobby.

I always feel like I am not as productive as I should be.  This year I got a small pocket calendar and I am going to keep track of projects that I finish.  It will make me feel good to look back on a year of productivity.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Another year passes!

Hello friends,

I cannot begin to say why I am not blogging...I have had so much going on in the past year and 3 months.  I have a beautiful sewing room now that I would love to take a picture of for you.  But if I did that, you would see the major mess that happens in there when I work on projects.  I love it.  I have stations set up for 4 sewing machines and one for my serger.  My sewing room will accommodate about 4 of us sewing comfortably.  I have been teaching a couple of friends to make quilts, bags, pillow cases  and what ever else we decide to try.  They are progressing nicely.  I begged for the room to be bigger, but my husband just said no matter how big it is, you will just fill it up and it will never be big enough.  He was right because my room is full.  I don't think I could add another yard of fabric.

As far as my yard, that ole' weed fertilizer works just fine.  It is so hot here, I can barely step out to pull weeds.   They are taking over my front yard.  I have been able to replant and weed most of my potted Plumeria and Addeniums.  I learned something this year...Plumies and Addeniums are just like kids.  If you plant seeds, they grow bigger and take up more room.  It is amazing how many of my seedlings that I planted in June through August of 2014 have grown to 3 foot trees.  And I had given quite a few away while they were little...thank goodness.  Now the seedlings planted in 2015 will soon need bigger pots...some I have already replanted to larger pots.  And yes, I did plant a few seeds earlier this year.   It is just like the sewing room, I will never have enough room for my Plumerias and addeniums either.

I am sewing the Splendid Sampler which is two block patterns that are sent to you each week for 50 weeks.  It is free and never too late to start.  Make them all and then put them in a quilt.  It has been so much fun and we are on week 57.  I am only about 20+ blocks behind.  That is OK because they tell you not to worry if you get behind cause you can finish the quilt when you finish.

Family is good and Bill and I celebrated our 46th anniversary earlier this year.  I will blog more when I have something very interesting to blog about.  Life is good!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Hello World!

Has it really been almost a year since I have bored you with my blog?  Amazing how timed flies when you are having fun with life.  Our remodel we started in 2014 is finally complete; 15 months of dust and everything in disarray.  I made the statement that I would rather nail Jello to a tree in this heat rather than remodel anything else in our home....until I came up with a grand idea to knock a partial wall out to enlarge my sewing room and swap the current sewing room with the guest bedroom.  Yep, if I had made a bet on remodeling again, you would see me in 90+ degree weather covered in jello trying to nail it to a tree.  Oh well, I am female and can change my mind!  Getting Bill in on the plan took non-stop talking about how it would give me so much room...in other words begging him to do it for me.  He got tired of hearing the plan and gave in in a moment of weakness.  Mr Contactor, laborer, plumber, electrician and wonderful husband started a couple of days ago.  Whoopee!! ❤️ 

I have 3 new quilts to post that are finished and lots of Purdy plumerias blooms to post too.  My yard looks like a jungle and I have been giving plants away coming and going.  I love my plants, but they have all gone crazy and left me in the weed patch!  I had appendicitis mid March, with a few complications, fine now.  Bill was biting at the bullet to go to NC and as soon as my Dr approved, off we went.  Between the trip and surgery, my yard grew and so did the weeds.  I wish I could see weeds in the darkness, since that is about the only time it is cool enough to work in the yard.

I love this little cactus with its lifesaver blooms..so far, it is living and growing...3 of its relatives bit the dust over the past couple of years.  Just wanted to say hello world and I hope life is treating you well!  Until we meet again....

Monday, August 4, 2014

I love this quilt and would do it again.  It is the Big Ass uhh Star quilt.  I finished it earlier this year and don't remember if I posted it.  I used this quilt to choose colors for our remodel.  I love sleeping under it.  Just testing my blog to see if any one reads my ramblings.  Life goes on and until we meet again....

Sweat hog goes public

This past week has been a busy week.  Hosted a sewing group in NC before I left.  We all learned to make the little clam shell bags.  Our instructor was a new friend, Glenna Beaver. And she did a great job giving us step by step instructions.  I used Halloween fabric and I like the finished product...Emily, GD, has already weasel end away from me...which is fine because she loves treasures.

We drove home from NC on Friday, so I could attend a garden tour at Ryan Calohan's home.  He and his wife Katrina were wonderful hosts to the get together.  We got to see all of Ryan's beautiful Plumerias, addeniums, cacti, and other lovely plants.  I looked like a sweat hog having just come from much cooler weather.   My hair was plastered to my head and actually dripping in the back.  No, I really don't look good when I am melted down in my shoes.  Anyway, I enjoyed seeing  old friends and meeting new friends.  After the tour, we all had breakfast/brunch at a local diner in Melbourne.  We sat across from Bryan and Bill from B&B Exotics and Plumeria at brunch and we finagled an invite to see their nursery and gardens which was only about 6 miles away.  They have a very lush garden with several hundred beautiful plumerias, addeniums, cactus and just gorgeous plants.  I felt like Alice in Wonderland in their back yard.  They also was very hospitable to us.  All in all, it was a great day even though I presented my self as a very sweaty old lady.  Today, I planted my seedlings from  the last group that have sprouted.  I also had funerals for about 10 plumeria cuttings that had rotted in the rooting bags...so sad to lose Plumie stalks...but oh well,  I avenge about 15 new plants that did root from the stalks I planted and bag rooted before I left.  I am happy those look like they will make it.  I also have an addenium seed pod, first forth me and two new Plumie seed pods.  Whoohoo.  Yes, head was sopping wet today to, but I am in for the day so and a shower just fixed the sweat hog queen!  Until we meet again.....

Whoopdedoda! I got a seed pod!

I have learned it does not take much to make me joyful.  Yesterday, my friend sent me a picture of a seed pod on one of my Addenium plants.  Also known as a dessert rose.  I immediately ran to Walmart to pick up some fabric (netting) to make some clothes for my new baby.  If you don't protect the pod, when it opens, the seeds blow to never never land and no more babies.  You never know what the babies will be either...might be like the Momma plant or might be totally different so you don't want to lose them when the pods open.  I am prepared when I get home to cover my treasures with their new outfits that I crafted up.

I seem to have difficulties posting pictures from my iPad which is so irritating.  Now if I can figure out how to add the seed pod pictures.

Until we meet again.....

Sometimes, we just need to be lazy!  Maybe need is not the right word...want might be a better choice of words.   It has rained for two days and the temperature is cool.  I have not broke into the sweat hog mode for several weeks.  The rain has made me so lazy.  I have read emails, looked at all their beautiful plumeria that my new online Plumie friends have posted and thought I need one of those!  If I got one of each that I think are eye candy, I would need a couple of acres and a green house to house them in the cooler weather.  I napped...faint days cause your eyes to get heavy and the napping fairy sprinkles her dust and poof I am dosing.  I finally got off the couch, made dinner and looked at some sewing projects.  I picked a scrappy quilt that one of my friends started.  She passed away and her husband gave me the scraps and 4 rows she had put together.  She had ripped a lot of it apart.  Some of the pieces were not cut the same.  I just decided I would try and figure out what she had in mind.  No one can figure out what a woman has in her mind, even another woman...silly me.  Anyway, I have sewed all the blocks together, some a little off but the colors are bright and they make me happy on this gloomy day.  I am putting the rows together and enjoying the memory of my friend.  It will not go together perfectly because I am using the strips she cut and I don't want to destroy the work she did on the quilt. It will be less than perfect but a happy little quilt and a fun remembrance of a funny friend.