Friday, August 3, 2012

A Day Older...a Dollar short

We have been home a week today.  I have celebrated the birthday that allows me to not be a dollar short or I hope not.  It is funny, I don't feel so compelled to blog at home as I do in NC.  It just seems I have so much more going on here.  I had lunch on Wed with some very good friends.  I would have loved for my very special friend to have been available, but she could not make it.  Her birthday is tomorrow and I hope to get to see her.  We shall see.  My yard is full of weeds  that have not been pulled and my house is a mess. Oh well, could be worse.

My orchids are blooming and beautiful.  I will take a picture as soon as a few more open.  They are wonderful.  Hopefully, they will last a long time.  I bought 2 more today, just could not help it.  Not much to say except it is hot.  Until we meet again.....