It was beautiful here today. The sky was so blue and it was not so cold since the wind was not blowing. I added a few more 15 minutes to play blocks and also made a couple of spiderweb blocks. Two tips:
1. If you are a saver of scraps and you applique, keep those applique scraps that have iron on fusible interfacing on them separate from your regular scraps. WHY?? Because if your iron touches the back of one of those scraps with with the fusible stuff on it, your iron is going to be very mucked up. It is hard to remove and if you don't get it all off, it can put black yuck on your next piece of fabric...Ask me how I know!!!
2. Because you are working with all sorts of bias scraps, when you press, starch the fabric where it will hold it's shape. Starching will keep those bias edges from stretching.
Making these little blocks has worked well for me since I struggle to cut bigger pieces of fabric. Cannot wait for this shoulder to get back to normal...However, I will tell you I could not win any contests for accurate cutting before the shoulder surgery. The quilt police have been on my tale about my cutting talents since I started quilting about 5 years ago.
Here are the pictures of the spiderweb quilt and the 15 minutes of crazy play...ok I adjusted the name to suit me. You can get the jist of each one of them. I am sure this will not be the layout of them when I decide what to do with them. It is just to show a sampling. When I get them all done, if it is to be a quilt, I will throw them up on my design wall and probably spend all day moving them around until I have them just right...or not.
Sewing room is a mess, but the camera is charged and waiting for me to take the million dollar picture that I can sell to a newspaper somewhere....Yep, I am just sitting here waiting for that to happen. Bill is unloading the dishwasher..would that be considered a spectacular picture worth a lot of money?? Until we meet again...
Love both of these!!!!! Ann