We have seen more bears this trip than I have ever seen in all the years combined of visiting NC. It appears there is not sufficient acorns in the higher elevations and they have come down to feed. The smaller ones are so cute but of course, they do have Mamas.
We don't feed them nor do we get out of the car because that Mama bear might be just behind the tree. They are fun to look at though. This one was downtown in a tree. There was a picture of this same bear in the newspaper on the front page..yes, it was a much better picture. :)
My friend from Ala has been here all week and we have hit just about every thrift store and antique store in town. Bought a few treasures but not many. I had not seen her since early summer and it was a really nice hanging out together. She met most of my friends here and went to the sewing demo with me at A Stitch in Time. It sure is quiet here since she left. She doesn't read the blog so I am safe in saying that.
My friend Evie and I have been collecting polka dot fabric for about 3-4 years and have finally started our polka dot quilts. I will post some of the pieces soon. Oh my, there are only 9 blocks and there are over 800 pieces just in those 9 blocks...makes us sound kind of like sick puppies for wanting to sew that many little pieces together. It actually might be years in the finishing.
My Christmas quilt is totally finished except for the label. It really is a Holly Jolly Christmas quilt. I wish I could get a good picture of it. It will be hanging above my couch at Christmas if I can get Bill to mount the hanger.
The temperature was about 29 last night and the frost on the car was as thick as snow...feels good to me. Bill and I have swapped places...he sits around in a jacket and I have short sleeves on and still hot...don't know what happened.
The changing of the leaves has been breathtaking. I suspect if it rains again, it will be pretty much over. Most of ours has dropped off but in other locations, there are still lots to see. One of these days, I will get the picures downloaded and share with you. Until we meet again....
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